Register a School

Please fill out the form below to register your school for the Terry Fox School Run!

If your school fundraised last year, your school has been automatically registered for this year’s School Run and you do not need to register again. Otherwise, upon filling out the form below, a toolkit of promotional materials will be sent to you immediately. As well, an email with your school’s online fundraising page link will be emailed to you shortly.

If your school did not fundraise for the School Run last year or is new to the School Run, please fill in the information below and we will ship you your complimentary toolkit in early September along with the email including your online fundraising link.


Merci de votre intérêt à rencontrer Fred Fox. Revenez nous voir ce printemps pour un calendrier mis à jour.

Sign up to be a Student Leader!

*  Indicates required fields

"*" indicates required fields

Is there a name and/or email to send special Terry Fox Leadership communications to?*