Student Leadership

Be Like Terry

At 21 years old, Terry Fox set in motion an unstoppable movement of selflessness, compassion and leadership, proving that there is no age requirement to make a huge difference in this world. He set an incredible example of leadership that will never be forgotten. We invite you to “Be like Terry”, challenge yourself and LEAD.

Students continue to follow in Terry’s footsteps, empowered to carry on his legacy by leading their school’s Terry Fox School Run. By becoming a Terry Fox Run Student Leader, you will develop lifelong skills to help shape your future and raise much-needed funds for cancer research. This is your chance to make a difference. 

Why students should get involved

Terry Fox was only 21 when he ran the Marathon of Hope and his efforts continue to make an impact on cancer research today, 43 years later. Students have the opportunity to follow his example of courage, determination and compassion to continue his legacy but also to set their own examples of incredible leadership. Our next generation of students will be the ones to help us achieve a world without cancer. The benefits are endless…

How to get started

Every student, school or group is different. Whether you are part of a student leadership class or working on your own, students of all ages (Elementary & High School) are welcome to lead activities in support of their Terry Fox School Run, with the permission of their School Run Organizer. 

Step 1: Download our Elementary or High School Student Leadership Guides
Step 2: Reach out to your selected students to initiate a fun meetup
Step 3: Using our Leadership Guides, create a plan or task list with your team to promote your event and begin fundraising 

Tools and Resources for Student Leaders

We are here to help you every step of the way. Check out our Virtual Terry Classroom, our one stop shop of all online resources. We have a Terry Fox School Run representative in your region and student leaders are welcome to contact us at any time. Whether you need help in planning an assembly, setting up a Terry Fox display or setting up individual classroom fundraising pages, we’re there for you! To contact us, click here or call 1-888-836-9786.

Recognition for Student Leaders

We join with our cancer researchers and, most importantly, the many Canadians who are facing cancer today, in saying “THANK YOU” to our students for their efforts and commitment. On behalf of the Terry Fox Foundation, please download, print and share this Student Leadership Certificate to honour and recognize your wonderful Student Leaders.

Student Leadership Certificate

Student Leadership Activities

Take your Terry Fox School Run to the next level by empowering students to take ownership of their school event.  Students can showcase their creativity, passion and determination as they help plan fundraising activities. Simply refer to the Elementary or High School Student Leadership guides for a more detailed list or check out the suggestions below.


Merci de votre intérêt à rencontrer Fred Fox. Revenez nous voir ce printemps pour un calendrier mis à jour.

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