FAQs: Students
How does the Terry Fox School Run work?
The Terry Fox School Run is a fundraising event that all students, educators, staff, and volunteers are welcome to take part in. It can be a time-honoured traditional Terry Fox “walk” or Run or it can even take the shape of an afternoon watching a Terry Fox video or joining a Virtual Meetup with a Foundation representative. The options are endless and are up to you on how and when to take part. All schools that are provided with a fundraising link to collect donations online as well as downloadable pledge sheets. You can find your school online at Find A School. For more information on how to organize a Terry Fox event, go to Event Planning Webinars.- How can I support my school’s fundraising efforts to raise funds online this year?
A great way to help your school is to create a student fundraising page and share it you’re your friends and family. Simply search for your school name at terryfoxschoolrun.org, select “Join this School Run” and follow the steps to create a personal student or classroom page (view our library of tutorials). To collect donations using a pledge sheet, simply submit any cash or cheque donations you may have received, with your completed pledge sheet to your teacher or main office. There is no minimum donation and all donations of $20 or more on a pledge sheet are automatically receipted.
- Can our student leadership group organize this year’s Terry Fox event?Yes! Your first step in organizing a leadership initiative at your school is to check with your School Run Organizer and/or administration for approval. Be sure to check out our new elementary and high school leadership guides for this year.
- How can we increase our fundraising?
We invite everyone to take part in a fun Terry Fox Challenge. It’s a great way to boost your fundraising while building fantastic school spirit. Simply make a fun promise to your students if they reach your fundraising goal. Ie. If we raise $1000, Then we all get an extra recess! - Who should cheques be made payable to?
Cheques can be made payable to “Terry Fox Run”, “Terry Fox School Run” or “Terry Fox Foundation.”
FAQs: Parents
How does the Terry Fox School Run work?
The Terry Fox School Run is a fundraising event that all students, educators, staff, and volunteers are welcome to take part in. It can be a time-honoured traditional Terry Fox “walk” or Run or it can even take the shape of an afternoon watching a Terry Fox video or joining a Virtual Meetup with a Foundation representative. The options are endless and are up to you on how and when to take part. All schools are provided with a fundraising link to collect donations online as well as downloadable pledge sheets. You can find your school online at Find A School. For more information go to: School Run How Tos.- How can my child and I set up a student fundraising page?
Go to your school’s fundraising page and click “Join this School Run.” Select the option to create a personal student or classroom page and follow the prompts. You will be provided with a link to easily customize and share with friends and family to help you fundraise. Watch our tutorial videos for step-by-step instructions.
- Can I make a donation by cash or cheque?Yes! You can donate by cheque, cash, or online but please check with your school for their preference.
- How can I donate to my child’s school? To make an online donation directly to your child’s school, go to their school fundraising page link that has been shared with you or search for the school name here. Simply follow the prompts to complete the process and receive your receipt immediately by email. If your child or their classroom has created their own online fundraising page under their school name, you must click on the link that they have created and shared with you privately in order to have your donation appear on their page. You can also donate by cash or cheque to support your child’s fundraising and have them submit it to their teacher, provided it is permitted by your child’s school.
How do I pay for a donation on behalf of one of my donors?
1. Login to your page (personal page owner/participant)
2. Once logged in, go to menu on the right and click Email Supporters
3. Select Offline Donations, and then select Add Donation. On the next screen, enter your donor’s first name, last name, email address, donation amount, and billing (mailing) address. You can select “cash” as the Payment Method. In the dropdown menu displaying “Show donor’s name as”, select the option called “Enter donor’s name” and type your donor’s name in the text field or ‘Anonymous’ for those that do not want their name to appear. Select “Save” the donation.
4. On the next screen, Click on “Pay Now”. You can then complete the transaction with the credit card holders information.
5. A confirmation email will come to you, as well as to the donor with an attached tax receipt.
- Who should cheques be made payable to?
Cheques can be made payable to “Terry Fox Run”, “Terry Fox School Run” or “Terry Fox Foundation.”
FAQs: Organizers / Teachers
How does the Terry Fox School Run work?
The Terry Fox School Run is a fundraising event that all students, educators, staff, and volunteers are welcome to take part in. It can be a time-honoured traditional Terry Fox “walk” or Run or it can even take the shape of an afternoon watching a Terry Fox video or joining a Virtual Meetup with a Foundation representative. The options are endless and are up to you on how and when to take part. All schools are provided with a fundraising link to collect donations online as well as downloadable pledge sheets. You can find your school online at Find A School. For more information, go to: Your School Run How Tos.- How do I login to my school page?
We’ve got a great new donor platform to help you fundraise online!
1. Click on your school link that has been emailed to you or search for your school page here.
2. In the upper right corner, click Login.
3. Enter your Run Organizer email that has been designated by the Foundation
4. Click Set/Reset Password
5. Follow the prompts to set your own personal passwordYou will now have admin access to edit your school page as the “School Run Organizer”. Please do not share your login email or your password with your school community.
You can also check out our full playlist of quick videos to help you navigate your online fundraising page. - When is the 2024 Terry Fox School Run?
The 2024 Terry Fox School run is set for Friday, September 27, 2024, or any date or duration that works for you.
- How can we increase our fundraising?
We invite everyone to take part in a fun Terry Fox Challenge. It’s a great way to boost your fundraising while building fantastic school spirit. Simply make a fun promise to your students if they reach your fundraising goal. Ie. If we raise $1000, Then we all get an extra recess!
- How can our school fundraise for this year’s Terry Fox School Run?
Schools can donate online or by pledge sheet. To collect online donations, schools can share their fundraising link on their website, email communications or social media. Check out our digital toolkit of sample messages and shareable images of Terry to help you share your fundraising link. Online donating is safe, easy and donors can receive their receipts immediately. Pledge sheets are also available for download here. Schools are also welcome to order them in their toolkit at time of auto-renewal.
- How can I access my school’s fundraising page link for 2024?
An email will be sent out to School Run Organizers with their school’s fundraising link, as well as an event organizer login to allow you to customize your school page. If you did not receive it, please contact us and we’ll be happy to share it with you. - How do I register my school for the September 2024 Terry Fox School Run?
If you received an email informing you that your school is auto-renewed, your school is already registered. If you haven’t received an email, please click here to register your school and receive a complimentary toolkit of promotional materials. - How do I update my School contact details (ie. email, name…)?Send an email to your Foundation Provincial Office with your updated contact information. Be sure to include your name, and the name and city of your school in your communication.
- When will I receive my Terry Fox Toolkit of promotional materials?
All schools that are auto-renewed (registered) will receive a complimentary toolkit of promotional materials in early September. If you are a school that has just recently registered, you will receive your toolkit in a few days by courier. Our school community has lived-experience with cancer and we want to share our story. Whom do we contact?
We would be honoured to have you share your story with us. Please share your story with us at Share Your Story. If your school community would like to rally around an individual to support them for your Terry Fox School Run, please contact your provincial Terry Fox office directly for more info.- How do we send in cheque (offline) donations and any pledge sheets to the Foundation?
We are happy to accept any cheque donation and any pledge sheets from your fundraising efforts. Please see our Post Run Form and full list of instructions for more information.
- How can we ensure our students safety while taking part in this year’s Terry Fox School Run?The safety of your students is a top priority for us. We encourage all schools to follow provincial safety guidelines.
- Can I book an ambassador (Foundation representative) to speak at my school in the fall?
We are excited to offer Ambassador in-school presentations in all provinces this year. Contact your provincial Terry Fox office for more information. We also offer virtual presentation with guest speakers on a variety of platforms. Go to Book a Virtual Presentation to learn more.
- How can I order t-shirts for my students or fellow teachers?
T-shirts can be ordered online directly from our website. Click here to place a bulk order for students and/or staff. Payment can be made at time of booking on the order by credit card or you can select “Invoice My School” to receive an invoice in your package and pay later. T-shirt sales are added to your school’s fundraising total as merchandise proceeds also support cancer research. Shipments are delivered only to school addresses and donations cannot be used to pay for t-shirt or any merchandise purchases.
- Who should cheques be made payable to?
Cheques can be made payable to “Terry Fox Run”, “Terry Fox School Run” or “Terry Fox Foundation.”