
Terry Fox Started a marathon against cancer.

together we can EnD it.


Terry Fox Started a marathon against cancer.
together we can EnD it.

I wanted to set an example that would never be forgotten.

Terry Fox represented the best that Canadians have to offer. He was an example of courage, humility, determination, and perseverance. From a young age he exemplified these attributes that made him an inspiration for not only Canada, but the entire world.
You’ve probably been involved in the School Run or Terry Fox Run for a couple of years now, or maybe you are new to the experience. Whatever your level of previous involvement, the time is now to show your spirit and join the movement. Our next generation of students will be the ones to continue Terry’s fight and lead this worthy cause towards his dream of a world without cancer.

Try Like Terry

This year’s Run is scheduled for Thursday, September 25, but you are welcome to hold your event on any day that works for you. Whether you are celebrating your event as a class, or assembling safely outside, we’ve got suggestions to help you customize your event to achieve whatever fundraising goal you set for your school. Get started today!

Character Counts

I want to get more involved.
How can I make a difference?

Let’s all “Try like Terry”

Be Courageous Like Terry

“I have to really concentrate to ignore the pain and keep going. Sometimes I’m actually crying while I’m running but I just don’t think about it.”

We all have obstacles that we must overcome in our everyday life. Some are major crises, and some are smaller bumps along the road, but pushing through and inspiring others is what Terry did best. We can all follow his example, and be a guiding light for others to do the same.

Be Humble Like Terry

“People think I’m running across Canada on some kind of an ego trip. It is a personal challenge, but I’m trying to raise as much money as I can for a very important cause.”

We don’t get involved for recognition. It’s not an opportunity for likes on Instagram, or shares on social media. The cause is bigger than that. It is a movement that has real consequences and literally can save lives.

Be Determined Like Terry

“I set daily goals for myself, and it’s really important that I achieve them. I need to have a daily sense of accomplishment. I know if I fall short of those goals that I will never finish.”

We know that life can get busy, particularly for today’s student. However, becoming a leader at your school and supporting the Terry Fox cause will not only be rewarding but will help you learn the life skills needed as you navigate forward.

Be Perseverant Like Terry

“I’ve said to people before that I’m going to do my very best to make it, I’m not going to give up. But I might not make it…if I don’t, the Marathon of Hope better continue.”

It is up to next generation to continue the fight and raise money to eradicate this terrible disease. That was Terry’s dream to inspire others and build on his legacy.

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Kids' Corner

Terry Fox: Canadian Hero

Terry was only 19 years old when he started his Marathon of Hope. It’s never too early to start making a difference. Now is the time to “Try like Terry” and set an example.

Terry Fox: Canadian Hero

Terry was only 19 years old when he started his Marathon of Hope. It’s never too early to start making a difference. We need you to Try like Terry!


Merci de votre intérêt à rencontrer Fred Fox. Revenez nous voir ce printemps pour un calendrier mis à jour.

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