Everything you need to share your fundraising effort and experience online with family and friends! Choose from a variety of creative assets to share across all social media platforms and find loads of relevant information and resources below.

Downloadable Facebook Assets
Facebook Portrait (PNG), Facebook Landscape 1 (PNG), Facebook Landscape 2 (PNG), Facebook Square (PNG)
Downloadable Instagram Assets
Instagram Landscape 1 (PNG), Instagram Landscape 2 (PNG), Instagram Square (PNG), Instagram Stories (PNG)
Downloadable Twitter Assets
Twitter Post 1 (PNG), Twitter Post 2 (PNG)
Sample Social Media Content
Not sure how to promote your Terry Fox School Run to your school community? No problem! Start by following us and then share some of our shareable images and sample posts to get you going on your preferred platforms. Your school’s online fundraising will be off and running in just a few clicks.
Download Sample Messages (PDF)
Looking for something else or have questions? Contact your local provincial office for more information.