Run Organizers

It Starts With You!

“Even though I’m not running anymore, we still have to try to find a cure for cancer. Other people should go ahead and try to do their own thing now.”

Our School Run Organizers have taken the mantle of leadership and pardon the pun, “run with it”. As the Terry Fox ambassador, you are responsible for inspiring, motivating and facilitating a successful Run at your school. But you don’t have to do it alone because we have everything you need to inspire the next generation of Terry Foxers.

Join Us for a Virtual Presentation

Sign up for a free virtual presentation with one of our dynamic and engaging speakers. They’re sure to inspire students by covering a variety of topics including Terry’s life and legacy, personal cancer journeys and advancements in cancer research.

How To Plan A School Run

Your event can be customized to whatever form works best for your school. Check out our complete list of “How to’s” to help you plan an awesome Terry Fox School Run from kick off to wrap up.

Take the "Try Like Terry" Challenge

Build fantastic school spirit by promising a fun reward to your students if they reach a goal! Every school that registers their challenge with us is entered into a random draw for a visit from Fred Fox, where he will re-enact your Challenge.

Online Fundraising Made Easy

It’s easy, paperless and more funds go to cancer research by reducing our administrative costs! Check out our full playlist of “Online Fundraising Tutorial” videos or our written “Online Fundraising Instructions” for next steps.

Inspiring Presentation Tools

Kick off your School Run with an amazing presentation! We’ve got everything you need, including speeches, google slides, videos and virtual meet-ups. You’ll motivate your students to be fantastic fundraisers and build fantastic school spirit!

Event Planning Webinars

Let us help you plan your event. Watch this quick video to get helpful fundraising tips. You’ll learn great ways to customize your event to whatever level of fundraising your school is comfortable with.

School Merchandise

The Terry Fox Foundation has once again partnered with beloved Canadian actor Ryan Reynolds to launch its annual limited-edition Terry Fox Run shirt. This year’s shirt features the tagline #NoMatterWhat, celebrating Terry’s unwavering determination, no matter the challenges or circumstances, when running his iconic Marathon of Hope in 1980.

Terry’s Virtual Classroom

So many resources to help you “teach Terry” and have fun, all in one place! Go to “Terry’s Virtual Classroom” for a one-stop shop with podcasts, videos, lesson plans, fun activities and more.
Share this google classroom with students, teachers and even your whole school community to inspire everyone to help make this year’s Terry Fox School Run your best “Try” ever!"

Student Leadership
Be Like Terry

Terry Fox set an incredible example of leadership that will never be forgotten. Students across Canada continue to follow in his footsteps, empowered to carry on his legacy and set goals of their own. Enlist the help of a student leadership crew or classroom to organize your event and you’ll reach your fundraising goal in no time. Not only will you broaden student social awareness and support new young leaders for the future, you’ll also raise much needed funds for cancer research.

Students Lead The Way!

Give students an opportunity to organize your School Event

Broaden student social awareness

Raise much needed funds for cancer research

Check out our elementary and high school leadership guides to help you plan your event. You’ll find loads of fundraising tips, inspiration and resources to help your students unleash their creativity. For more info on how to set up a student leadership group in your school, contact us at 1-888-836-9786.

Sign up to be a Student Leader!

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