Students Lead the Way!

You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

Terry wanted to make a difference in other people’s lives. At the age of 21, he began an unstoppable movement of selflessness, compassion, and leadership, proving that there is no age requirement to make an impact. He set an incredible example of leadership that will never be forgotten.

Students continue to follow in Terry’s footsteps, empowered to carry on his legacy by leading their school’s Terry Fox Run. There are now over 3 million students coast to coast to coast taking up Terry’s cause. We hope you too will “Try like Terry” and make the world a little better, just like Terry did.

Why students should get involved

Terry Fox was only 21 when he ran the Marathon of Hope and his efforts continue to make an impact on cancer research today, 45 years later. Students have the opportunity to follow his example of courage, determination and compassion to continue his legacy but also to set their own examples of incredible leadership. Our next generation of students will be the ones to help us achieve a world without cancer. The benefits are endless…

Let's get started!

Every student, school or group is different. Whether you are part of a student leadership group or planning on your own, students of all ages (Elementary, Middle & High School) are welcome to get involved and pump up their school event.

Step 1: Check out our Elementary or High School Student Leadership Guides for tips to help students lead a School Run.

Step 2: Set up a student or classroom fundraising page under your school’s link to share your goal and start fundraising!

Step 3: Go to Your School Run “How-to’s for everything you need to know to plan a School Run.

Setting up Your Student or Classroom Page

Create Your Page

Create your own student/classroom page under your school name by adding fun pictures or inspirational messages or use the ones we provide. Follow the prompts to share your link with your friends, families, and school community. #TryLikeTerry

Free Assembly Resources!

Get everyone pumped to take part in this year’s Terry Fox School Run with an awesome Terry Fox assembly. We’ve got everything you need in a variety of presentation formats and resources to choose from. Share our video, “Anything’s Possible” or you can even create your own presentation using the resources below.

Your Complete Social Media Toolkit

Not sure how to promote your Terry Fox School Run to your school community? No problem! Fundraising is easy when you share Terry’s message of hope with friends and family on social media. Start by following us and then share some of our shareable images and sample posts to get you going on your preferred platforms. Your school’s online fundraising will be off and running in just a few clicks.

Shout outs for Student Leaders!

On behalf of the many Canadians who are facing cancer today, “Thank You!” to all the students for their fundraising efforts. Why not hold a wrap up celebration of your event and distribute Terry Fox Student Leadership Certificates to those that went above and beyond, just like Terry did!

Go The Distance!

Take your Terry Fox School Run to the next level by empowering students to take ownership of their school event.  Students can showcase their creativity, passion and determination as they help plan fundraising activities. Simply refer to the Elementary or High School Student Leadership guides for a more detailed list or check out the suggestions below.

Start a Student Project

Every year, thousands of students from across Canada take part in a class or student project. To make it easy for you, we’ve put together all our “Terry” resources in one place.

You can also celebrate your Terry Fox event this year by taking part in a “Try like Terry” Challenge activity. Click below to learn more about Terry, access resources, and the latest Canadian cancer research.


Merci de votre intérêt à rencontrer Fred Fox. Revenez nous voir ce printemps pour un calendrier mis à jour.

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