A Wealth of Information
Our most valuable resources - creativity, communication, invention, and reinvention - are, in fact, unlimited.
Whether you are planning an event, “teaching Terry” or learning about Terry, we’ve got everything you need. Scroll down to see them all or click here to access a Virtual Terry Classroom, social media toolkit, Kids Corner, School videos, Google slides, lesson plans, morning announcements, Spotify playlist, assembly speeches, pledge sheets and more…it’s all here.

Quick Forms For Download
- School Run Welcome Package 2024
- 2024 Post Run Form
- Pledge Sheet
- Morning Announcements
- Email for Parents/Caregivers
- Student Participation Certificate
- Student Leadership Certificate
- Fundraising Tips For Students
- Student T-shirt Order Form
- Elementary Student Leadership Guide
- High School Student Leadership Guide
- Event Information Transfer Form
- Tips for Online Fundraising
- Using SchoolCash Online
- Event Planning Webinar
- Anything’s Possible (7 Minute) Video
- Set up a Student Page

Social Media Toolkit
Not sure how to promote your Terry Fox School Run to your school community? No problem! Start by following us and then share some of our shareable images and sample posts to get you going on your preferred platforms. Your school’s online fundraising will be off and running in just a few clicks.

Virtual Terry Classroom
Your one-stop-shop for resources, fundraising tips, fun activities, lesson plans, podcasts and more! Great for students, teachers, organizers and anyone else that wants to learn all about Terry!

Morning Announcements
Build hype and momentum for your Terry Fox School Run with some daily announcements over the P.A. Great for students or teachers to share fun facts about Terry, fundraising updates and tips on how to donate.
Upload audio recordings from Fred Fox to share with your students and get them pumped!

Video Library
Learn about Terry and the impact he’s made as you watch and listen to Canadians share their memories and personal stories of the Marathon of Hope. A great tool to inspire, motivate and kick start your Terry Fox School Run.

Lesson Plans
Written by educators for educators – our K-12 lesson plans focus on student leadership while adhering to Canadian curriculum guidelines. While each has a suggested grade/division level, they can most certainly be adapted to meet your individual needs. Thank you for “teaching Terry” and spawning a new generation of Terry Foxers!

Kids’ Corner Activities and Games
Explore, discover and learn everything you can about Terry using these fun resources. Fun for the classroom or even at home with your family – great for all ages!

Terry Tunes Playlist
Need some inspirational and upbeat tunes to get everyone warmed up for your event? Look no further than our very own set of playlist options of Terry tunes. These are a great resource to get everyone pumped on your big day!

Assembly/Presentation Tools
Kick off your Terry Fox event with a fantastic presentation about Terry. Whether you’re showing our assembly video (Anything’s Possible), our newly created google slideshow or creating your own presentation for classroom or individual viewing with our sample speeches – we’ve got everything you need!