Teach About Terry

Engaging Your Classroom

It takes a big heart to help shape little minds.

Your Terry Fox School Run is a great way to get all of your students engaged and inspired to make a difference. Take inspiration from Terry’s examples of courage, determination and compassion to help motivate your students to reach goals and become incredible change-makers. See below for ways to get your classroom involved today and teach Terry all year long.

How To Involve Your Students

Set up a classroom page

Help your school reach its fundraising goal by encouraging students to set up their own fundraising page under your school link. You can even set up a classroom page with your own personal login name and password, chosen by your students. Ignite a friendly competition with another classroom and let the students take charge!

Virtual Terry Classroom

Virtual Terry Classroom

Learn More

Morning Announcements

Morning Announcements

Learn More

Start a “Try like Terry”

Start a “Try like Terry” Challenge

Learn More

Book a Virtual Meetup

Book a Virtual Meetup

Learn More


Merci de votre intérêt à rencontrer Fred Fox. Revenez nous voir ce printemps pour un calendrier mis à jour.

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